Tips are optional but a great way to show your shoppers appreciation and recognition for their excellent service. 100% of your tip goes directly to the shopper(s) shopping and delivering your order. For orders where 2 shoppers fulfill your order, the tip splits evenly between them.

Instacart suggests a default tip based on a number of factors, such as order attributes and your tip history. The minimum default tip is 5% of your order total.

You can modify the tip while placing an order or after delivery. You can increase your tip up to 14 days after delivery or reduce your tip up to 2 hours after delivery.

To add a tip during checkout—

On the website


  1. Click Go to Checkout. 
  2. Scroll down to Delivery Tip.
  3. Click Change. 
  4. Select the amount you’d like to tip. 
  5. Click Save Tip. 
  1. Tap Go to Checkout and scroll down to Delivery Tip.
  2. Select the amount you’d like to tip.
  3. Tap Place order.

To add or modify a tip after delivery—

On the website


  1. Click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left corner. 
  2. Click Your orders.
  3. Click Increase or Change in the tip field.
  1. Tap Account at the bottom of your screen. 
  2. Tap Orders.
  3. Select the relevant order.
  4. Tap Increase next to Increase tip.